Friday, April 11, 2014

Get Walking with a Pedometer- Ozeri Digital Pocket Pedometer Review

It is the time of the year to open your sliding glass doors and start spring cleaning, but don't get stuck inside all day long, go outdoors and go for a walk! An easy way to maintain and lose weight or to just live healthier is going for a walk. If you get winded from running or doing lots of cardio than I suggest walking more often and only doing cardio a couple days a week. 

My new favorite toy is the Pedometer. I tried out the Ozeri Digital Pocket Pedometer and am loving how easy it is to track how many steps I take a day. I usually average around 5,000 steps a day while very active people average around 10,000. I would love to meet somewhere in between and am hoping with the warmer weather that I will try and make more free time to go on at least one walk a day.

The pros of this pedometer are that it is small and works in your hand, pocket, purse or bag and that it only tracks your steps and since it is step up to your stride (which you set yourself and it is quite simple) it is not confused by car rides. I also like how it resets every day so you know that it is an accurate count each day, and can also track calories burned! It keeps all your steps saved for 7 days so you can look back and see your progress over the past week.

There are a few cons that I have noticed also. First, the lanyard that came with it was extremely cheap and started to fray. Secondly, setting up the pedometer was quite tiring. I actually had to take the battery out and put it back in to work (though it is fine now), also when setting it up for the first time it does not show you AM and PM when setting the clock. Lastly, the directions display the order on the screen goes from pounds to inches when it reality it goes from pounds to centimeters and does not show you how to switch between inches and centimeters.

Other than the few challenges with setting the pedometer up there have been no issues and it has worked great! If you are looking for a pedometer I suggest checking this one out since it is fairly inexpensive. Right now you can purchase it on Amazon for $15.95. The Pedometer is available in Black and Yellow. Also be sure to check out Ozeri's website for their other amazing products!

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